A Young Adult Leadership Development Programme
We aim to cultivate leaders with integrity, who can build positive relationships and are active citizens, willing to put service above self.
We focus on practical leadership skills and the art of using your leader voice appropriately and effectively.
A strong emphasis on personal growth, purpose, reflection, group engagement, current research, and presentation skills.
Participants experience personal growth, develop confidence and resilience., practice real-life leadership, learn about ethics and integrity, and build a network of mentors, facilitators and peers – finding their voices as leaders in groups of diverse backgrounds as well.
Top 3 areas of change in participants
Growing leaders, the Rotary way
- ^Know yourself
- ^Managing yourself
- ^Knowing others
- ^Influencing others
Our six leadership fluencies
- ^Emotional intelligence
- ^Diversity
- ^Collaboration
- ^Solution finding
- ^Active Citizenship
- ^Communication
Participating businesses benefit through the development of their aspiring young leaders
“Shaun has shown tremendous growth in terms of his leadership ability, ethical behaviour and also his active involvement and ability to work with others.”
Birch Bruce
“Matthew has a better understanding of business as a whole and as such knows and understands how his activities, actions, performance and contributions affect the business and the team.”
Freshmark Systems
“Patience is more conscious of her thoughts and actions. She has shown maturity and growth when answering questions in our meetings.”
Standard Bank